Thursday, June 8, 2017

June's Monthly Grocery Haul

Hey Everyone.

Today I am sharing with you my two latest grocery hauls for the month of June.

Most of our snacks for the month will be from this Sam's Club haul. This totaled $143.21. Most of our meat will be boneless skinless chicken breast from last month's grocery haul which you can see by clicking down below. 

I would approximate we had about 20 something pounds worth of chicken left and planned all our meals around what we already had and what I could add as sides at a low cost to complete meals. I went through my pinterest board and selected 30 meals to cook for this month. From there I went through the ingredient lists for each meal and noted what was missing from my fridge, freezer or pantry. After that I set to shopping at Sam's Club and Aldi. I found 95% of what I needed on my Aldi's shopping list but was not able to get Ricotta, eggplant and frozen pepper and onion mix. Quick run to Walmart solved that. 

If you've been following me either on you tube or this blog you know I usually plan and shop on a weekly basis. This month were trying the monthly thing and just shopping fresh mil, bread and produce weekly. So far I am really liking it. I know what I will be making all month long and know I have all of what I need on hand to make those meals. Not to mention I have only spent just over half my monthly budget and only need milk and bread to really get us through the month. Sounds pretty darn good to me. I'll come back and let you guys know how the monthly shopping trip is working out. 

Oh and incase you are wondering we are COMPLETELY CREDIT CARD DEBT FREE! and are attacking that car loan with a vengeance. 

Monday, April 10, 2017

Debt Freedom Update + Kroger grocery haul 4/6

Hey friends! It's been a while since my last post and YouTube Video. Its been a busy past few weeks with family visiting and my and hubby's work schedule changing. We've made it work but I do hace to admit that its taking some time to get used the adjustments of a 4:45 am wake up for me. On the other hand due to the change in schedule I was able to increase my hours at work significantly while still spending a majority of the time with my family since I am out of work by 11am. So it does have its benefits.

We had family come over to visit us form New York and that was so much fun but our budget did take quite a hit because of it. Though we tried to pre budget for all the things we would be doing with the family, the going out to eat, shopping, driving and of course extra mouths to feed worked out to be more than the extra we accounted into our budget. What I did then for the month of remainder of March and will do for as long as I can for the month of April, is strictly work with what we have at home. We did a Sam's Club haul before our family came out for hot dogs(80 ct) and burgers (48 ct), and had plenty left over after we had barbecued, we also had ground beed from and Aldi's grocery trip we got on sale. We also had a few chicken breast left over from our Sam's club haul that was over a month ago as well as 2 freezer meals left over. (If you would like to see the videos to some of these hauls here's the link FrugallyLivingInTexas YouTube)So we've been making and planning meals using the ingredients we have on hand. The only things I have purchased to add to a couple of meals are frozen vegetable to bulk it up. In the past two weeks we have spend under $50 in groceries and household items. Some of the meals we have been cooking up Lemon chicken with pasta and salad, halal cart style chicken and rice, chicken pita sandwiches on homemade pitas, salisbury steaks with rice, pasta with ground beed and pasta sauce, pesto chicken, broccoli and rice,  meat loaf and rice, sweet & sour chicken with egg rolls, asian style veggies and rice, boneless wings and fries, burgers and hot dogs. If you want to take a look at our latest grocery haul link is below check that out, I got some great sales and clearances at Kroger for just under $29. I will just be adding these things to what we already have to produce some meals and probably make a shopping trip at Sam's Club once we've made all we can. I'll be sure to share that haul too.

One thing we did accomplish last month even though we did spend a lot, was to pay that last credit card, making us CREDIT CARD DEBT FREE and it feels so good. We are still working on the car and student loans. When we purchased our car, it was our first car and we didn't really know whether we should get the extended warranty, so they convinced us that we should because we would not be able to add it on later and it would be good for us and so we added it. Increasing both our loan amount and monthly payment. When we needed our first car repair and the warranty did not cover, we came to the realization that the "protection" offered was very specific and would leave us paying most repairs out of pocket even though the extended warranty plan cost so much upfront. We felt cheated and like total suckers. But through some research we made a discovery, did you know you can request to have the extended service warranties cancelled so long as you have not made any claims under the warranty and you've driven less than the number of miles you were protected for or haven't met the number of years offered by the protection? Contact the place where you purchase your extended warranty for more information. Be wary that they don't like to take care of these matter very quickly because a commission was made from your purchase and they have to take a loss. We went ahead not totally confident about it and typed up the official letter to both the servicer of the warranty and the dealership we purchased it from and sent it certified mail with proof receipt. You must send a proof of the official odometer reading with your request to prove you have driven less than your covered miles and prove proper maintenance. If you have payed off your vehicle the money you are owed will come to you, if you still owe the bank on your loan they will cut a check to your loan servicing bank. We got our response last week and were told they have cancelled the warranty upon our request and a check was being sent to the bank our loan is with. A check worth just over $1900. Which means our loan balance will decrease by this amount. That is huge! I think that is just amazing and will really help us toward our debt free journey. So debt freedom here we come. Home ownership you are next.

Until next time.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

New Grocery Haul + Life Update

Hey everyone! It's been so long since my last real blog. How has everyone been? Life just got super busy for a while there when I started working part time. It's almost a full year later since I started working at Starbucks and we pretty much have a good routine going for our family. Work/Life balance is so important. Starbucks has helped us a lot by being a very flexible in the hours and days I work and the benefits are pretty good. If your ever need a side income or more affordable benefit options, don't hesitate to consider Starbucks as an option.

When I first started this blog one of our goals was to cut back expenses. I think while we haven't been perfect by any means, we do spend reasonably less than we used to. We are still in the process of finding the right budget for us. But I think we are close. Our grocery budget has decreased for the most part though I am sure we can still do a whole lot better and we definitely have our slip ups and lazy days. We discovered Aldi's within the last year which makes grocery shopping much more affordable, not to mention quicker too. Check out our latest grocery haul by clicking the video link down below.

Another one of our goals was to pay down debt. In fact we want to be debt free before we start making plans towards purchasing a home but it takes time and patience. I would love to see it all gone in the blink of an eye but I continue to remind my self that getting into debt didn't happen overnight and neither will becoming debt free. I am happy to say that in another two payments we will be completely credit card debt free, so we ave definitely made progress. We still have our car loan and student loans to work on, but it feels good to know that those super high interest rate payments are a thing of the past and we are not giving away our money to these companies any more. We are doing our best to continue our debt snow ball until they are all gone.

One thing we did to make our finances work for us was to open multiple savings accounts. When I tell people the numbers they usually have a look of shock and confusion on their face. They just can't comprehend it until I explain a little more in depth and then they pause and think about it for a second and say "that's actually pretty smart". What we did was open up - 11 additional account for savings. We have a total of 13 accounts. All of our expenses come out of our checking and the rest gets divided up into categories through an automatic savings plan. I find this the best option for things that only happen once a year, for example your car insurance or that Amazon prime membership. I have my car and renters insurance through the same company, I know how much I paid last year so I take that amount and divide it up into 12 months. I set up an automatic savings plan to deduct that amount from the checking account every month. When the time comes to pay that insurance fee again, we won't be scrambling to figure out where we will find the funds for it. The money is already there because we planned for it. We do this for other things too, like car maintenance and inspection fees,  christmas and birthdays, home improvement purposes, and fun stuff like saving towards taking a vacation or going out to eat without breaking the food budget. We even have one for the kids where I budget for doing fun things with them like taking them to a jump and play, here I also set aside money for new uniforms, shoes and school supplies for the coming year, or if they need something in the middle of the school year, like when they suddenly outgrow all their shoes, then theres money already set aside for it.

Well friends I hope you found some new ideas in this little update. Let me know in the comments below how you've been and what are some things you are doing this year to improve your financial situation.